Results for 'Monique David-Me´Nard'

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  1. Conatus und Lebensnot.Monique David-Ménard - 2017 - In Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky & Anna Tuschling (eds.), Conatus und Lebensnot: Schlüsselbegriffe der Medienanthropologie. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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    Sexual alterity and the alterity of the real for thought.Monique David-Me´Nard - 2003 - Angelaki 8 (2):137-150.
  3. Was haben wir ausser dem Spiel, um aus dem Trauma aufzutauchen?Monique David Ménard - 2017 - In Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky & Reinhold Görling (eds.), Denkweisen des Spiels: medienphilosophische Annäherungen. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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  4. Essai d'un traitement biologique de la notion de droit.Alphonse Ménard - 1934 - Paris,: Librairie du Recueil Sirey (société anonyme).
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    La gnose de Philon d'Alexandrie.Jacques E. Ménard - 1987 - Paris: Cariscript.
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    Körper der Lust Ein Gespräch mit Monique David-Ménard.Monique David-Menard - 1994 - Die Philosophin 5 (10):85-94.
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    La folie dans la raison pure: Kant lecteur de Swedenborg.Monique David-Ménard - 1990 - Paris: Vrin.
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    Heterarchies of Value in Manhattan-Based New Media Firms.Monique Girard & David Stark - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (3):77-105.
    This article develops a sociology of worth that blurs the traditional disciplinary divide between economic value and social values. Through ethnographic study of a new media startup in Manhattan's Silicon Alley, we examine how a new firm in an emerging industry negotiates an uncertain environment where metrics gauging performance remain illusive as the industry itself gropes toward a clearer definition of its content and contours. Faced with complex foresight horizons, new media firms must develop an organizational capacity for learning, innovation, (...)
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  9. Kant's "An Essay on the Maladies of the Mind" and Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime.Monique David-Ménard - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (4):82 - 98.
    David-Ménard examines the problem of the genesis of Kant's moral philosophy. The separation between Kantian practical reason and the inclinations of sense which it regulates is shown by the author to originate in Kant's attempt to regulate his own tendency to hypochondria. Her argument links the themes from two of Kant's precritical works which attest to this tendency-"An Essay on the Maladies of the Mind" and Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime-to the final form of (...)
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    How Are We to Read Beyond the Pleasure Principle?.Monique David-Ménard - 2017 - Oxford Literary Review 39 (2):246-264.
    This paper considers Freud's 1920 text, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, in light of Jacques Derrida's critical commentary on it in The Post Card. Against the deconstructive reading that highlights the performative aspects of Freud's speculative remarks, David-Ménard reads Freud's theory of the death drive as an epistemological and experimental hypothesis necessary for giving an account of the complexity and diversity of the clinical phenomenon of repetition in psychoanalysis. Though the death drive never appears locatable as such in the various (...)
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  11. Is it Necessary to Look for the Universal in the Difference between the Sexes? The'Formulae of Sexuation'in Lacan.Monique David-Menard - 2004 - In Kelly Oliver & Lisa Mae-Helen Walsh (eds.), Contemporary French Feminism. Oxford University Press. pp. 215.
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    Repetir e inventar segundo Deleuze e segundo Freud.Monique David-Ménard - 2007 - Discurso 36:19-36.
    Neste artigo, trata-se, por um lado, de compreender até que ponto a existência humana e o pensamento, naquilo que eles têm de inventivo, são feitos de sínteses disjuntivas. E qual tipo de repetição entre os elementos, ligados de maneira nãocasual, mas não sistemática, supõe esta síntese tão importante no pensamento de Gilles Deleuze. Por outro lado, trata-se de saber se esse conceito de repetição converge com aquele que reclama a psicanálise.
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  13. REVIEWS-Deleuze et la psychanalyse: L'altercation.Monique David-Menard & Christian Kerslake - 2008 - Radical Philosophy 151:43.
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    Deleuze et la psychanalyse: l'altercation.Monique David-Ménard - 2005 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Du sommaire: I -- Clinique et philosophie: Le probleme -- La polemique. II -- Eloge du masochisme, critique de la notion de plaisir. III -- Philosophie de la repetition: Les trois repetitions -- Comment une philosophie du temps revient a Masoch et a Sade -- L'inconscient et les problemes. IV -- Le corps sans organes, critique ou abandon de la psychanalyse?: Artaud et Van Gogh -- La distance prise par rapport a l'organisme -- Les devenirs et leur fin immanente. V (...)
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    Das Allgemeine bei Sade und Kant.Monique David-ménard - 1996 - Die Philosophin 7 (14):79-104.
  16. Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy: Volume Xiii.Monique Dixsaut, Klaus Brinkmann, Christopher R. Matthews, Martin Andic, John Cooper, Phillip Mitsis, Robert Bolton, William Wians, Dana Miller, Nicholas Smith, David Roochnik, Malcolm Schofield, Rachana Kamteker, Julius Moravcsik, Luc Brisson & David Konstan - 1999 - Brill.
    This latest volume of BACAP Proceedings contains some innovative research by international scholars on Plato, Aristotle, and Sophocles. It covers such themes as Plato on the philosopher ruler, and Aristotle on essence and necessity in science. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
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    Reading Onora o’Neill.David Archard, Monique Deveaux, Neil Manson & Daniel Weinstock (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    Onora O’Neill is one of the foremost moral philosophers writing today. Her work on ethics and bioethics, political philosophy and the philosophy of Kant is extremely influential. Her landmark Reith Lectures on trust did much to establish the subject not only on the philosophical and political agenda but in the world of media, business and law more widely. Reading Onora O’Neill is the first book to examine and critically appraise the work of this important thinker. It includes specially commissioned chapters (...)
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    Psychoanalyse und Philosophie in Paris. Die siebziger Jahre.Monique David-Ménard - 2004 - Die Philosophin 15 (30):11-21.
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    Agencements deleuziens, dispositifs foucaldiens.Monique David-Ménard - 2008 - Rue Descartes 59 (1):43.
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    Créer des concepts dessiner l'impensé.Monique David-Ménard - 2004 - Rue Descartes n° 45-46 (3):75-87.
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    Exploring individual differences in Affective processing using psychophysiology.Camfield David, Boyall Sarah, Kornfeld Emma, Taylor Monique, Wesnes Keith, Barry Robert, Steiner Genevieve, De Blasio Frances & Croft Rodney - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Die Arbeitsgruppe "L'exercice du savoir et la différence des sexes" am CNRS in Paris.Monique David-ménard - 1993 - Die Philosophin 4 (7):99-101.
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    Heterogeneous Disciplines.Monique David-Ménard - 2003 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 24 (1):161-168.
    Under this title, I wish to clarify the philosophical perspective that has run through my work for the last fifteen years, in three volumes: L’hystérique entre Freud et Lacan, La folie dans la raison pure, and Les constructions de l’universel. In the first of these works, I reflected on the status of the body in psychoanalysis, on the distance that needed to be taken with regard to the two Western traditions of thought concerning the body, namely those of Aristotle and (...)
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    La négation comme sortie de l'ontologie.Monique David-Ménard - 2001 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 2 (2):59-67.
  25. Negativity in Immanuel Kant's Thought.Monique David-Menard - 2009 - Filozofski Vestnik 30 (1):89-103.
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    Spleti v ozadju filozofske resnice.Monique David-Ménard & Peter Klepec - 1993 - Filozofski Vestnik 14 (1).
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    The Modeling of Nature: Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Nature in Synthesis by William A. Wallace. [REVIEW]David Magnus & Monique Bourque - 1998 - Isis 89:372-373.
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    Prefrontal Cortex Activation During Motor Sequence Learning Under Interleaved and Repetitive Practice: A Two-Channel Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study.Maarten A. Immink, Monique Pointon, David L. Wright & Frank E. Marino - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Training under high interference conditions through interleaved practice results in performance suppression during training but enhances long-term performance relative to repetitive practice involving low interference. Previous neuroimaging work addressing this contextual interference effect of motor learning has relied heavily on the blood-oxygen-level-dependent response using functional magnetic resonance imaging methodology resulting in mixed reports of prefrontal cortex recruitment under IP and RP conditions. We sought to clarify these equivocal findings by imaging bilateral PFC recruitment using functional near-infrared spectroscopy while discrete key (...)
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    Kako postanemo državljani oziroma ali sploh to postanemo?Monique David-Ménard - 2018 - Filozofski Vestnik 39 (3).
    Za klasično in moderno politično filozofijo od Hobbesa prek Kanta in Hegla do Marxa postanemo državljani, ko svojo zakoreninjenost v družinske in družbene vezi spremenimo v pravni in/oziroma politični obstoj. Judith Butler in Marc Abélès, s tem da poudarjata prekarnost politike, postavljata pod vprašaj klasične distinkcije, kot je ločevanje med zasebnim in javnim, ko pokažeta, da sta imanentnost in kontingentnost konfliktov konstitutivna za vznik politike danes. Ker mislita politiko onstran države, tako Butler kot Abélès pojmujeta politični prostor kot križišče različnih (...)
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    Univerzalno pri Sadu in Kantu.Monique David-Menard - 1997 - Filozofski Vestnik 18 (1).
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    Zanikati realno, ali to pomeni spremeniti ga?Monique David-Menard - 2017 - Filozofski Vestnik 38 (2).
    Da bi se izognili lažni dilemi utopičnega idealizma in konzervativnega empiricizma, ko gre za transformacijo realnega, pričujoči članek obravnava disjunktivno sintezo dveh ločenih, a povezanih področij delovanja in mišljenja: področje spolnega nezavednega in področje političnih sprememb. Kritični pretres tradicionalne heglovske in/ali marksovske teze, da lahko spremenimo realno zgolj, če izhajamo iz resnične in koherentne teorije, je izhodišče za analizo treh primerov naddoločenosti, ki je značilna za sodobne emancipatorne boje: »politiko ulice«, »revolucijo« in »reorganizirajočo dinamiko spolnega nezavednega«. S poudarjanjem kontingentne artikulacije (...)
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    Philosophy news.David McNaughton, Christopher Chern, How Many Selves Make Me, Stephen Rl, He is Like & Ilham Dilman - 1990 - Cogito 4 (2):139-140.
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    Anthropologie du sensoriel: les sens dans tous les sens.Colette Méchin, Isabelle Bianquis & David Le Breton (eds.) - 1998 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'homme mène son existence dans un univers sensoriel et un univers de sens. Quelles significations prennent les perceptions sensorielles dans la vie sociale et culturelle? Cet ouvrage à plusieurs voix étudie les sens dans différentes circonstances de la vie collective : chamanisme, maladie, racisme, sexualité, rencontre, vie quotidienne, musique, etc. Le Brésil, la Mongolie, le Burkina-Faso, l'Inde, le Mexique, le Sénégal, la société touarègue... et bien entendu l'Europe. Anthropologie et ethnologie sont ici sollicitées dans ces études des relations symboliques entre (...)
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    Contingencies.Elizabeth Rottenberg - 2015 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 5 (1):128-138.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ContingenciesElizabeth RottenbergAnalysis does precious little, but the little it does is precious.—Therese BenedekI’d like to begin with an anecdote of a slightly confessional nature. If I mention this anecdote, it’s because it came to me by chance as an association to what French analyst and philosopher Monique David-Ménard, in her introduction to Éloge des hasards dans la vie sexuelle, calls “positive contingency” or the “positive aspect of (...)
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  35. Mad Speculation and Absolute Inhumanism: Lovecraft, Ligotti, and the Weirding of Philosophy.Ben Woodard - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):3-13.
    continent. 1.1 : 3-13. / 0/ – Introduction I want to propose, as a trajectory into the philosophically weird, an absurd theoretical claim and pursue it, or perhaps more accurately, construct it as I point to it, collecting the ground work behind me like the Perpetual Train from China Mieville's Iron Council which puts down track as it moves reclaiming it along the way. The strange trajectory is the following: Kant's critical philosophy and much of continental philosophy which has followed, (...)
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    The Search for the Legacy of the Usphs Syphilis Study at Tuskegee: Reflective Essays Based Upon Findings From the Tuskegee Legacy Project.M. Joycelyn Elders, Rueben C. Warren, Vivian W. Pinn, James H. Jones, Susan M. Reverby, David Satcher, Mary E. Northridge, Ronald Braithwaite, Mario DeLaRosa, Luther S. Williams, Monique M. Willams, Vickie M. Mays, Malika Roman Isler, R. L'Heureux Lewis, Harold L. Aubrey, Riggins R. Earl & Virginia M. Brennan (eds.) - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    The Search for the Legacy of the USPHS Syphilis Study at Tuskegee is a collection of essays from experts in a variety of fields seeking to redefine the legacy of the infamous Tuskegee Syphilis Study. The essayists place the legacy of the study within the evolution of racial and ethnic relations in the United States. Contributors include two leading historians on the study, two former United States Surgeons General, and other prominent scholars from a wide range of fields.
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    Focusing the focus group: impact of the awareness of major factors contributing to non‐adherence to acute paediatric asthma guidelines.Sanjit Kaur Bhogal, David McGillivray, Jean Bourbeau, Laurie H. Plotnick, Susan Joan Bartlett, Andrea Benedetti & Francine Monique Ducharme - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (1):160-167.
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    Inter-observer variation in the diagnosis of coronal articular fracture lines in the lunate facet of the distal radius.Mathieu Me Wijffels, Thierry G. Guitton & David Ring - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 271-275.
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    Formación e identidad docente: aproximaciones desde la práctica.David Castillo Careaga & Juana Arriaga Méndez (eds.) - 2014 - Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico: Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación.
  40. A Humean approach to assessing the moral significance of ultra-violent video games.Monique Wonderly - 2008 - Ethics and Information Technology 10 (1):1-10.
    Although the word empathy only recently came into existence, eighteenth century philosopher, David Hume, significantly contributed to our current understanding of the term. Hume was among the first to suggest that an empathic mechanism is the central means by which we make ethical judgments and glean moral knowledge. In this paper, I explore Hume's moral sentimentalism, and I argue that his conception of empathy provides a surprisingly apposite framework for interpreting and addressing a current issue in practical ethics: the (...)
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  41. Michel Foucault and Power Today: International Multidisciplinary Studies in the History of the Present.Mario Colucci, Pierangelo Di Vittorio, David Gabbard, Monique Lanoix, Christian Lavagno, Thomas Lemke, Dario Melossi, Warren Montag, Tracey Nicholls & Frank Pearce (eds.) - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    Few thinkers have left such an influence across such a diverse range of studies as Michel Foucault has. This book pays homage to that diversity by presenting a multidisciplinary series of analyses dedicated to the question of power today.
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    Morally Responsible Agency And Agentive Authority in advance.Monique Wonderly - forthcoming - Midwest Studies in Philosophy.
    Morally responsible agency and agentive authority are familiar themes in the philosophical literature on ethics and agency. Morally responsible agents are those who are apt candidates for the blaming attitudes and actions by which we hold one another accountable for moral violations. Those who lack morally responsible agency—e.g., non-human animals, very young children, and (some) individuals with severe cognitive impairments—are typically considered exempt from moral responsibility. Agentive authority is a normative position that grounds powers, claims, and rights to which one (...)
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    The cultural promise of the aesthetic.Monique Roelofs - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Aesthetic desire and distaste prime everyday life in surprising ways. The Cultural Promise of the Aesthetic casts much-needed light on the complex mix of meanings our aesthetic activities weave into cultural existence. Anchoring aesthetic experience in our relationships with persons, places, and things, Monique Roelofs explores aesthetic life as a multimodal, socially embedded, corporeal endeavor. Highlighting notions of relationality, address, and promising, this compelling study shows these concepts at work in visions of beauty, ugliness, detail, nation, ignorance, and cultural (...)
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  44. Monique David-Ménard: Deleuze ou Freud/Lacan?Bento Prado Junior - 2007 - Discurso 36:13-18.
    This paper is a commentary of David -Ménard’s Répétition et invention en Deleuze et Freud.
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    Cultures et vie religieuse France, XVIe–XVIIe siècle.François Laplanche, Michèle Vignaux, Monique Cottret, Joël Cornette, David El Kenz, Laurent Bourquin, Thierry Wanegffelen, Benoît Garnot, Françoise Waquet, Bernard Cottret & Anne Bonzon-Leizérovici - 1994 - Revue de Synthèse 115 (1-2):266-301.
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    Public Culture in the Early Republic: Peale's Museum and Its Audience. David R. Brigham.Monique Bourque - 1999 - Isis 90 (4):814-815.
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    L'homme est né libre...: raison, politique, droit: mélanges en hommage à Paule-Monique Vernes.Josiane Boulad Ayoub, Michel Guérin & Paule Monique Vernes (eds.) - 2014 - [Quebec City?]: Presses de l'Université Laval.
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    Who Cares? Care and the Ethical Self.Monique Lanoix - 2015 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 10 (3):49-65.
    Monique Lanoix | : Over three decades ago, Carol Gilligan’s seminal book In a Different Voice provided feminist theorists with a powerful new approach to address the shortcomings of traditional moral theories. With a focus on concrete situations, an ethics of care can attend to the specifics of moral dilemmas that might otherwise be glossed over. As feminist reflection on moral and political philosophizing has progressed, another challenge has emerged. Recent feminist scholarship proposes non-ideal theories as preferable action-guiding theories. (...)
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    Devant l'histoire en crise: Raymond Aron et Leo Strauss.Sophie Marcotte-Chénard - 2022 - [Montréal]: Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
    Le contenu et la portée de l'ouvrage se déploient sur trois plans. Alliant outils d'histoire intellectuelle et approche philosophique, cet ouvrage jette tout d'abord un éclairage nouveau sur le problème de l'historicisme du point de vue de sa dimension pratique et de son rapport avec la philosophie politique au cours des années 1930 de même que durant la période de l'après-guerre. L'approche novatrice du livre conjugue épistémologie de l'histoire et théorie politique et permet de mettre en contexte la mobilisation politique (...)
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    Histoire des Idées Religieuses et Philosophiques.Olivier Bloch, John M. Dillon, Barbara Cassin, Pierre Pellegrin, Cari Aderhold, Hervé Guénot, Jean École, Marie-Jeanne Kônigson-Montain, Françoise Bellue, François Clémentz, Jean-Pierre Cléro, Jan Sebesttk, Alain Guy & Monique David-Ménard - 1988 - Revue de Synthèse 109 (2):311-354.
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