Results for 'Jan Rypka'

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  1.  23
    History of Iranian Literature.M. J. Dresden & Jan Rypka - 1970 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 90 (4):577.
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    Iranische LiteraturgeschichteStoria della letteratura persiana.M. J. Dresden, Jan Rypka, Antonino Pagliaro & Allesandro Bausani - 1963 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (1):128.
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    Yādnāme-ye Jan Rypka (Articles on Persian and Tajik Literature)Yadname-ye Jan Rypka.William G. Millward - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (3):660.
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    Do we understand the intervention? What complex intervention research can teach us for the evaluation of clinical ethics support services.Jan Schildmann, Stephan Nadolny, Joschka Haltaufderheide, Marjolein Gysels, Jochen Vollmann & Claudia Bausewein - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):48.
    Evaluating clinical ethics support services has been hailed as important research task. At the same time, there is considerable debate about how to evaluate CESS appropriately. The criticism, which has been aired, refers to normative as well as empirical aspects of evaluating CESS. In this paper, we argue that a first necessary step for progress is to better understand the intervention in CESS. Tools of complex intervention research methodology may provide relevant means in this respect. In a first step, we (...)
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    Evaluation of clinical ethics support services and its normativity.Jan Schildmann, Bert Molewijk, Lazare Benaroyo, Reidun Forde & Gerald Neitzke - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (11):681-685.
    Evaluation of clinical ethics support services (CESS) has attracted considerable interest in recent decades. However, few evaluation studies are explicit about normative presuppositions which underlie the goals and the research design of CESS evaluation. In this paper, we provide an account of normative premises of different approaches to CESS evaluation and argue that normativity should be a focus of considerations when designing and conducting evaluation research of CESS. In a first step, we present three different approaches to CESS evaluation from (...)
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  6. Being in a Position to Know and Closure.Jan Heylen - 2016 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):63-67.
    The focus of this article is the question whether the notion of being in a position to know is closed under modus ponens. The question is answered negatively.
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  7. On the Principle of Contradiction in Aristotle.Jan Lukasiewicz & Vernon Wedin - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (3):485 - 509.
  8. Arguments for Liberty: A Libertarian Miscellany.Jan Lester - 2011 - Buckingham: The University of Buckingham Press.
    Liberty is what libertarians advocate. Both because of the inherent value of human liberty and because of the increasing wealth and welfare it brings to all. They see the aggressive coercion of the state as the main enemy of liberty. The solution is to roll back the state until there is little or no state left. Libertarianism has been rapidly growing since the 1970s. But it is still not commonly understood or even given a proper hearing. However, you will increasingly (...)
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  9. Analogical Predictions for Explicit Similarity.Jan Willem Romeijn - 2006 - Erkenntnis 64 (2):253 - 280.
    This paper concerns exchangeable analogical predictions based on similarity relations between predicates, and deals with a restricted class of such relations. It describes a system of Carnapian λγ rules on underlying predicate families to model the analogical predictions for this restricted class. Instead of the usual axiomatic definition, the system is characterized with a Bayesian model that employs certain statistical hypotheses. Finally the paper argues that the Bayesian model can be generalized to cover cases outside the restricted class of similarity (...)
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    Differences in the affective processing of words and pictures.Jan De Houwer & Dirk Hermans - 1994 - Cognition and Emotion 8 (1):1-20.
  11.  86
    Professional autonomy and the normative structure of medical practice.Jan Hoogland & Henk Jochemsen - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (5):457-475.
    Professional autonomy is often described as a claim of professionalsthat has to serve primarily their own interests. However, it can also beseen as an element of a professional ideal that can function as astandard for professional, i.e. medical practice. This normativeunderstanding of the medical profession and professional autonomy facesthree threats today. 1) Internal erosion of professional autonomy due toa lack of internal quality control by the medical profession; 2)the increasing upward pressure on health care expenses that calls for ahealth care (...)
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    Virtual action.Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):317-330.
    In the debate about actions in virtual environments two interdependent types of question have been pondered: What is a person doing who acts in a virtual environment? Second, can virtual actions be evaluated morally? These questions have been discussed using examples from morally dubious computer games, which seem to revel in atrocities. The examples were introduced using the terminology of “virtual murder” “virtual rape” and “virtual pedophilia”. The terminological choice had a lasting impact on the debate, on the way action (...)
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    Anthropologie Und Ethik des Enhancements.Jan-Christoph Heilinger - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Advances in biotechnology have enabled interventions in the human organism that promise to increase physical and intellectual perform over the 'normal' or 'natural' boundary, as well as make possible targeted changes in human experience. The author investigates ethical debates surrounding these issues with a particular focus on arguments that employ a normative concept of a person in order to establish that particular interventions are permissible or impermissible. He develops an integrated model that 'maps' of the concept of a human being, (...)
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    Neuroethics, Cognitive Technologies and the Extended Mind Perspective.Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs - 2018 - Neuroethics 14 (1):59-72.
    Current debates in neuroethics engage with extremely diverse technologies, for some of which it is a point of contention whether they should be a topic for neuroethics at all. In this article, I will evaluate extended mind theory’s claim of being able to define the scope of neuroethics’ domain as well as determining the extension of an individual’s mind via its so-called trust and glue criteria. I argue that a) extending the domain of neuroethics by this manoeuvre endangers the theoretical (...)
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    Pascal als apologetische prediker.Willem Jan Aalders - 1941 - Assen,: Van Gorcum.
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    Anti-establishment sentiments: realistic and symbolic threat appraisals predict populist attitudes and conspiracy mentality.David Abadi, Jan Willem van Prooijen, André Krouwel & Agneta H. Fischer - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (8):1246-1260.
    Previous research has found that populist attitudes and conspiracy mentality – here summarised as anti-establishment attitudes – increase when people feel threatened. Two types of intergroup threat have been distinguished, namely realistic threats (pertaining to socio-economic resources, climate, or health), and symbolic threats (pertaining to cultural values). However, there is no agreement on which types of threat and corresponding appraisals would be most important in predicting anti-establishment attitudes. We hypothesise that it is the threat itself, irrespective of its cause, that (...)
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    Superstition and belief as inevitable by-products of an adaptive learning strategy.Jan Beck & Wolfgang Forstmeier - 2007 - Human Nature 18 (1):35-46.
    The existence of superstition and religious beliefs in most, if not all, human societies is puzzling for behavioral ecology. These phenomena bring about various fitness costs ranging from burial objects to celibacy, and these costs are not outweighed by any obvious benefits. In an attempt to resolve this problem, we present a verbal model describing how humans and other organisms learn from the observation of coincidence (associative learning). As in statistical analysis, learning organisms need rules to distinguish between real patterns (...)
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    Focus-Style Proofs for the Two-Way Alternation-Free μ-Calculus.Jan Rooduijn & Yde Venema - 2023 - In Helle Hvid Hansen, Andre Scedrov & Ruy J. G. B. De Queiroz (eds.), Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 29th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2023, Halifax, NS, Canada, July 11–14, 2023, Proceedings. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 318-335.
    We introduce a cyclic proof system for the two-way alternation-free modal μ-calculus. The system manipulates one-sided Gentzen sequents and locally deals with the backwards modalities by allowing analytic applications of the cut rule. The global effect of backwards modalities on traces is handled by making the semantics relative to a specific strategy of the opponent in the evaluation game. This allows us to augment sequents by so-called trace atoms, describing traces that the proponent can construct against the opponent’s strategy. The (...)
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  19.  64
    Classical universes are perfectly predictable!Jan Hendrik Schmidt - 1997 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 28 (4):433-460.
  20.  34
    System structure and cognitive ability as predictors of performance in dynamic system control tasks.Jan Hundertmark, Daniel V. Holt, Andreas Fischer, Nadia Said & Helen Fischer - 2015 - Journal of Dynamic Decision Making 1 (1).
    In dynamic system control, cognitive mechanisms and abilities underlying performance may vary depending on the nature of the task. We therefore investigated the effects of system structure and its interaction with cognitive abilities on system control performance. A sample of 127 university students completed a series of different system control tasks that were manipulated in terms of system size and recurrent feedback, either with or without a cognitive load manipulation. Cognitive abilities assessed included reasoning ability, working memory capacity, and cognitive (...)
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  21. Learning juror competence: a generalized Condorcet Jury Theorem.Jan-Willem Romeijn & David Atkinson - 2011 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 10 (3):237-262.
    This article presents a generalization of the Condorcet Jury Theorem. All results to date assume a fixed value for the competence of jurors, or alternatively, a fixed probability distribution over the possible competences of jurors. In this article, we develop the idea that we can learn the competence of the jurors by the jury vote. We assume a uniform prior probability assignment over the competence parameter, and we adapt this assignment in the light of the jury vote. We then compute (...)
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  22.  12
    Hugo Grotius on the agglomerate polity of Philip II.Jan Waszink - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (3):276-291.
    The aim of this article is to look at an early 17th-century analysis of a prince’s management of an ‘agglomerate polity’ in order to obtain a view of its chief focuses, concerns, and terms of analysis. Four main types of issues appear (apart from Grotius’ general analysis of Philip’s person and policies, which are also discussed): 1. Acceptation and legitimacy of a prince who was perceived to ignore local customs, rights and interests of his various territories; 2. The king’s representatives (...)
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  23. Global Capitalism and the State.Jan Aart Scholte - 2000 - In Andrew Linklater (ed.), International relations: critical concepts in political science. New York: Routledge.
  24. Newcomb’s Paradox Realized with Backward Causation.Jan Hendrik Schmidt - 1998 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 49 (1):67-87.
    In order to refute the widely held belief that the game known as ‘Newcomb's paradox’ is physically nonsensical and impossible to imagine (e.g. because it involves backward causation), I tell a story in which the game is realized in a classical, deterministic universe in a physically plausible way. The predictor is a collection of beings which are by many orders of magnitude smaller than the player and which can, with their exquisite measurement techniques, observe the particles in the player's body (...)
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  25.  39
    Zur moralischen Autorität von Odysseus-Verfügungen: Definitionen, Unterscheidungen, Rechtfertigungen.Jan-Ole Reichardt, Marco Stier & Bettina Schöne-Seifert - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 2 (2):315-329.
    ZusammenfassungDie Odysseus-Verfügung ist als besondere Form der Patientenverfügung zumindest in der Literatur hinlänglich bekannt. Die Verwendung des Begriffs und damit sein Gegenstandsbereich sind hingegen noch immer umstritten. Zudem wird oft nicht beachtet, dass es innerhalb dieses Gegenstandsbereichs Varianten von OVs zu differenzieren gilt, die sich auch in ihrer moralischen Rechtfertigung unterscheiden. Nicht zuletzt ist die Grundstrukturstruktur dieser Rechtfertigung umstritten. Vor diesem Hintergrund plädieren wir im Folgenden zunächst für eine Eingrenzung des Begriffs, mit der argumentative und klinisch-praktische Verwirrungen vermieden werden können. (...)
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  26. Prospects for a philosophy of interdisciplinarity.Jan C. Schmidt - 2010 - In Robert Frodeman, Julie Thompson Klein & Carl Mitcham (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 39--42.
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    Defending Hans Jonas’ Environmental Ethics: On the Relation between Philosophy of Nature and Ethics.Jan Cornelius Schmidt - 2013 - Environmental Ethics 35 (4):461-479.
    Hans Jonas’ anti-visionary conservation-oriented environmental philosophy—prominently articulated in his seminal book The Imperative of Responsibility: In Search of an Ethics for the Technological Age —had a tremendous impact on public and philosophical debates throughout the 1980s and the 1990s. Jonas argues that the “environmental crisis” reveals an underlying fundamental “crisis” in the human-nature relation. The crisis challenges the metaphysical foundations of our Western culture—including the dominant way humans view and deal with nature. Environmental ethics, therefore, requires critical reflection on and (...)
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    Bolzano's logic.Jan Sebestik - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Prospective Technology Assessment of Synthetic Biology: Fundamental and Propaedeutic Reflections in Order to Enable an Early Assessment.Jan Cornelius Schmidt - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (4):1151-1170.
    Synthetic biology is regarded as one of the key technosciences of the future. The goal of this paper is to present some fundamental considerations to enable procedures of a technology assessment of synthetic biology. To accomplish such an early “upstream” assessment of a not yet fully developed technology, a special type of TA will be considered: Prospective TA. At the center of ProTA are the analysis and the framing of “synthetic biology,” including a characterization and assessment of the technological core. (...)
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  30. Die logischen Grundlagen der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung.Jan Lukasiewicz - 1914 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 22 (2):16-17.
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    Max Weber, Modernisierung als passive Revolution: Kontextstudien zu Politik, Philosophie und Religion im Übergang zum Fordismus.Jan Rehmann - 1998 - Hamburg: Argument Verlag.
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  32. Rosenkranz’s Logic of Justification and Unprovability.Jan Heylen - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (6):1243-1256.
    Rosenkranz has recently proposed a logic for propositional, non-factive, all-things-considered justification, which is based on a logic for the notion of being in a position to know, 309–338 2018). Starting from three quite weak assumptions in addition to some of the core principles that are already accepted by Rosenkranz, I prove that, if one has positive introspective and modally robust knowledge of the axioms of minimal arithmetic, then one is in a position to know that a sentence is not provable (...)
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    Should Whiteheadians Be Vegetarians? A Critical Analysis of the Thoughts of Hartshorne and Dombrowski.Jan Deckers - 2011 - Journal of Animal Ethics 1 (2):195-209.
    A number of philosophers have found inspiration in the writings of Alfred Whitehead to develop their ideas on environmental and animal ethics. I explore the writings of Charles Hartshorne and Daniel Dombrowski to address the question of whether Whiteheadians should be vegetarians. I conclude that there is a morally relevant distinction between plants and animals, based on the Whiteheadian view that animals have higher grades of experience, and that this distinction grounds a moral duty to adopt minimal moral veganism.
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    Are All Remote Associates Tests Equal? An Overview of the Remote Associates Test in Different Languages.Jan Philipp Behrens & Ana-Maria Olteţeanu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Oldenbarnevelt and fishes. Satirical prints from the 12-years truce.Jan Waszink - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (7):903-915.
    ABSTRACT This paper discusses the intended argument and conceptual backgrounds of two satirical engravings published during the Truce Conflicts in the Dutch Republic (ca. 1611–1621), with a special focus on the use of fish imagery and its political implications. The case under consideration shows a now historic perception of (giant) fishes employed for disparaging purposes in the context of a deeply polarised society over issues of religious orthodoxy and toleration.
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  36. Was umfaßt heute Physik? Aspekte einer nachmodernen Physik.Jan C. Schmidt - 2001 - Philosophia Naturalis 38 (2):271-297.
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    Measuring and interpreting g.Jan-Eric Gustafsson - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (2):231-232.
  38.  40
    Inherent Complexity: A Problem for Statistical Model Evaluation.Jan-Willem Romeijn - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (5):797-809.
    This article investigates a problem for statistical model evaluation, in particular for curve fitting: by employing a different family of curves we can fit any scatter plot almost perfectly at apparently minor cost in terms of model complexity. The problem is resolved by an appeal to prior probabilities. This leads to some general lessons about how to approach model evaluation.
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    Informed consent” – an integrated teaching module on ethical and historical aspects for the new subject “history, theory, ethics of medicine.Jan Schildmann, Florian Steger & Jochen Vollmann - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (3):187-199.
    ZusammenfassungHistorische, theoretische und ethische Aspekte der Medizin sind Lehrinhalte des medizinischen Ausbildungscurriculums, die in dem neu eingeführten Querschnittsbereich 2 "Geschichte, Theorie, Ethik der Medizin" vermittelt werden sollen. Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Darstellung von Unterrichtskonzept und Evaluationsergebnissen eines medizinhistorische und -ethische Inhalte intergrierenden Lehrmoduls zum Thema der Aufklärung und Einwilligung in Klinik und medizinischer Forschung. Die integrierte Vermittlung medizinethischer und -historischer Inhalte wurde von den Studierenden positiv bewertet. Die von den Kursteilnehmenden im Rahmen der Evaluation gezeigten Kenntnisse sowie die Selbsteinschätzung (...)
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  40. Svar till A. Tollands kommentarer till artikeln Att förstå – betraktelser utifrån en ny teori.Jan Scheffel - 2012 - Filosofisk Tidskrift 1:45-52.
    I min artikel ”Att förstå – betraktelser utifrån en ny teori” (FT 31:4 Nov 2010) vill jag visa att det finns anledning att förtydliga förståelsebegreppet. Avsevärd möda har, historiskt sett, lagts ned på att definiera och bringa klarhet i begreppen kunskap och förklaring men förståelse, som når längre än vanlig kunskap, har förblivit ett otydligt begrepp. Teorin jag lägger fram i artikeln har som sin kärna en definition av förståelse. Denna utkristalliseras dels naturligt från vår vardagliga användning, dels från behovet (...)
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    Neoscholasticism and the demands of modern science (1937).Jan Franciszek Drewnowski - 1993 - Axiomathes 4 (2):220-226.
  42.  50
    Workspace and sensorimotor theories: Complementary approaches to experience.Jan Degenaar & Fred Keijzer - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (9):77-102.
    A serious difficulty for theories of consciousness is to go beyond mere correlation between physical processes and experience. Currently, neural workspace and sensorimotor contingency theories are two of the most promising approaches to make any headway here. This paper explores the relation between these two sets of theories. Workspace theories build on large-scale activity within the brain. Sensorimotor theories include external processes in their explanations, stressing the sensorimotor contingencies that arise from our interaction with the environment. Despite the basic differences, (...)
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    Beyond evaluative conditioning? Searching for associative transfer of nonevaluative stimulus properties.Jan De Houwer, Frank Baeyens, Tom Randell, Paul Eelen & Tom Meersmans - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (2):283-306.
    Evaluative conditioning refers to the changes in liking of an evaluatively neutral stimulus (the conditional stimulus or CS) as a result of merely pairing it with another, already liked or disliked stimulus (the unconditional stimulus or US). We examined whether other, non‐evaluative stimulus properties of a US can also be associatively transferred to a CS. In a series of experiments, we tried to transfer perceptions of the gender of children and the gender of first names. We found evidence for the (...)
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  44. Heraclitus’ Political Thought.Jan Maximilian Robitzsch - 2018 - Apeiron 51 (4):405-426.
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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  45. O Zasadzie sprzecznósci u. Arystotelesa. Ueber den Satz des Widerspruchs bei Aristoteles.Jan Lukasiewicz - 1910 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 18 (6):14-15.
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    Organizational sticking points on NK Landscapes.Jan W. Rivkin & Nicolaj Siggelkow - 2002 - Complexity 7 (5):31-43.
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    Why Epicurean happiness is not for everyone.Jan Maximilian Robitzsch - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (6):1203-1219.
    It is often assumed that Epicurean happiness can be achieved by everyone alike. This paper offers a corrective to this view. While it is true that the Epicureans abolish traditional differences among people like those between the sexes, social classes, and so on, they also maintain that there are people who are incapable of achieving happiness because they lack a certain bodily make-up or because they do not have the right ethnic or cultural origin.
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  48. Structure, Sign and Function.Jan Mukarovsky, John Burbank & Peter Steiner (eds.) - 1978 - New Haven: Yale U. P.. Translated by John Burbank & Peter Steiner.
    This book is the second half of a project begun to make available to the English reader a substantial selection of Jan Mukarovsky's critical writings. Th first volume, The Word And Verbal Art (New Haven, 1977). comprised essays devoted to literature. The present volume contains sixteen of essays on aesthetics and arts other than literature.
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  49. Die Aktualität der Ethik von Hans Jonas. Eine Kritik der Kritik des Prinzips Verantwortung.Jan C. Schmidt - 2007 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 55 (4):545-569.
    Während in den achtziger Jahren Hans Jonas' Spätwerk Prinzip Verantwortung. Versuch einer Ethik für die technologische Zivilisation in aller Munde war, wird Jonas heute kaum noch zur Kenntnis genommen. Waren seine Analysen und Argumente tatsächlich so unhaltbar, wie seine Kritiker behaupten? Oder hat Jonas mehr auf den Weg gebracht, als seine Kritiker es wahrhaben wollen? Der Text rekonstruiert die Einwände der Kritiker und nimmt eine Kritik der Kritik vor. So zeigt sich eine ungeahnte Aktualität von Jonas' ethischem Denken – auch (...)
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    Applied Mathematics in Eleventh Century Al-Andalus: Ibn Mucadh al-Jayyan and his Computation of Astrological Houses and Aspects.Jan P. Hogendijk - 2005 - Centaurus 47 (2):87-114.
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