Results for 'François Laruellle'

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  1.  47
    L'utopie de la non-analyse.François Laruellle - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 130 (2):163.
    L'adversaire le plus dangereux de la psychanalyse est le révisionnisme. Au contraire, « l'axiome fondamental de la non- analyse est que le Réel de l'Inconscient et de l' Être est forclos à tout discours et que c'est justement cet être forclos qui détermine un discours et une pratique non analytiques ». La non- analyse n'est pas le retour à des préjugés philosophiques mais une « théorie unifiée de la philosophie et d'un savoir » qui peut prendre une couleur psychanalytique. Les (...)
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  2. The Pragmatics of What is Said.François Recanati - 1989 - Mind and Language 4 (4):295-329.
  3. How can you be so sure? Illusionism and the obviousness of phenomenal consciousness.François Kammerer - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (9):2845-2867.
    Illusionism is the thesis that phenomenal consciousness does not exist, but merely seems to exist. Many opponents to the thesis take it to be obviously false. They think that they can reject illusionism, even if they conceded that it is coherent and supported by strong arguments. David Chalmers has articulated this reaction to illusionism in terms of a “Moorean” argument against illusionism. This argument contends that illusionism is false, because it is obviously true that we have phenomenal experiences. I argue (...)
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    Influence of Lumbar Muscle Fatigue on Trunk Adaptations during Sudden External Perturbations.Jacques Abboud, François Nougarou, Arnaud Lardon, Claude Dugas & Martin Descarreaux - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  5. L'éthique minimale en discussion: Liminaire.Olivier Abel, François Dermange, Nathalie Maillard Romagnoli, Denis Müller & Christophe Pisteur - 2008 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 140 (2):99-106.
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  6. A New Interpretivist Metasemantics for Fundamental Legal Disagreements.François Schroeter, Laura Schroeter & Kevin Toh - 2020 - Legal Theory 26 (1):62-99.
    What does it take for lawyers and others to think or talk about the same legal topic—e.g., defamation, culpability? We argue that people are able to think or talk about the same topic not when they possess a matching substantive understanding of the topic, as traditional metasemantics says, but instead when their thoughts or utterances are related to each other in certain ways. And what determines the content of thoughts and utterances is what would best serve the core purposes of (...)
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    Ethical rationale for better coordination of clinical research on COVID-19.Francois Bompart - 2020 - Research Ethics 16 (3-4):1-10.
    Hundreds of clinical trials of potential treatments and vaccines for the “coronavirus 19 disease” (COVID-19) have been set up in record time. This is a remarkable reaction to the global pandemic, but the absence of a global coordination of clinical research efforts raises serious ethical concerns. Some COVID-19 patients might carry the burden of clinical trial involvement even though their trial cannot be completed as researchers are competing for patients. A shortage of medicines can occur when existing drugs are diverted (...)
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  8. Reflective equilibrium and antitheory.François Schroeter - 2004 - Noûs 38 (1):110–134.
    The paper clarifies what is at stake in the theory/antitheory debate in ethics and articulates the distinctive core of the method of reflective equilibrium which distinguishes it from a generic coherence constraint. I call this distinctive core 'maieutic reflection'. The paper then argues that if she accepts constructivist views in metaethics, a proponent of the method of reflective equilibrium will be committed to the existence of a moral theory.
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  9. Sentientism Still Under Threat: Reply to Dung.François Kammerer - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (3):103-119.
    In 'Ethics Without Sentience: Facing Up to the Probable Insignificance of Phenomenal Consciousness' (Kammerer, 2022), I argued that phenomenal consciousness is probably normatively insignificant, and does not play a significant normative role. In 'Preserving the Normative Significance of Sentience' (Dung, 2024), Leonard Dung challenges my reasoning and defends sentientism about value and moral status against my arguments. Here I respond to Dung's criticism, pointing out three flaws in his reply. My conclusion is that the view that phenomenal consciousness is distinctively (...)
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  10. Indirect Defenses of Speciesism Make No Sense.François Jaquet - 2024 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 105 (3):308-327.
    Animal ethicists often distinguish between direct and indirect defenses of speciesism, where the former appeal to species membership and the latter invoke other features that are simply associated with it. The main extant charge against indirect defenses rests on the empirical claim that any feature other than membership in our species is either absent in some humans or present in some nonhumans. This paper challenges indirect defenses with a new argument, which presupposes no such empirical claim. Instead, the argument from (...)
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    Complexity Results of STIT Fragments.François Schwarzentruber - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (5):1001-1045.
    We provide a Kripke semantics for a STIT logic with the "next" operator. As the atemporal group STIT is undecidable and unaxiomatizable, we are interested in strict fragments of atemporal group STIT. First we prove that the satisfiability problem of a formula of the fragment made up of individual coalitions plus the grand coalition is also NEXPTIME-complete. We then generalize this result to a fragment where coalitions are in a given lattice. We also prove that if we restrict the language (...)
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  12.  48
    Partial Probability Functions and Intuitionistic Logic.François Lepage - 2012 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 41 (3/4):173-184.
  13.  9
    Porphyre – Lettre à Marcella: Édition critique, traduction française, introduction et notes par Jean-François Pradeau.Jean-François Pradeau - 2023 - Boston: BRILL. Edited by Porphyry.
    Nouvelle édition critique et traduction française annotée de la _Lettre à Marcella_ de Porphyre. Le philosophe néoplatonicien Porphyre (234-305) y adresse à sa femme un témoignage unique sur la manière dont une vie philosophique peut être conduite et se préserver. This book presents a new annotated and translated edition of neoplatonist 3rd-century Greek philosopher Porphyrius’ _Letter to Marcella_. This letter, adressed to his wife, gives a unique account on the ways and principles along which a philosophical life should be led (...)
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    Healthy Volunteers for Clinical Trials in Resource-Poor Settings: National Registries Can Address Ethical and Safety Concerns.Francois Bompart - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (1):134-143.
    Healthy Volunteers (HVs) who participate in clinical trials are a vulnerable group that deserves specific protection. We assessed the number and types of studies that involve HVs around the world and outline the methodological barriers to their analysis. We found that tens of thousands of HVs are involved every year in clinical trials in a large variety of countries and that the overwhelming majority of studies are not “first-in-human” but pharmacokinetic studies. The two cornerstones for both ethical and safe participation (...)
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    Memory-based modes of presentation.François Recanati - 2024 - Synthese 203 (4):1-21.
    To deal with memory-based modes of presentation I propose a couple of revisions to the standard criterion of difference for modes of presentation attributed to Frege. First, we need to broaden the scope of the criterion so that not merely the thoughts of a given subject at a given time may or may not involve the same way of thinking of some object, but also the thoughts of a subject at different times. Second, we need to ‘relativize’ the criterion of (...)
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    Remarks on the Existence of a Senatorial Property Qualification in the Republic.François Gauthier - 2019 - História 68 (3):285.
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    Effects of two temporal variables on the listener's perception of reading gate.Francois Grosjean & Harlan Lane - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (5):893.
  18. Predelli and García-Carpintero on "Literal Meaning".François Recanati - 2006 - Critica 38 (112):69-79.
    A summary of François Recanati's book Literal Meaning, followed by his response to the critical reviews of the same book by Stefano Predelli and Manuel García-Carpintero. /// Este texto da respuesta a los que, en este mismo número, Predelli y García-Carpintero dedican a mi libro Literal Meaning. En la primera seccíon hago un breve resumen de esta obra; en la segunda respondo a los comentarios críticos de Predelli y en la tercera a los de García-Carpintero.
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  19. Pourquoi le représentationnalisme ne peut pas résoudre le « problème difficile » de la conscience phénoménale.François Kammerer - 2011 - RÉPHA, revue étudiante de philosophie analytique 4:45-53.
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    A Square of Oppositions in Intuitionistic Logic with Strong Negation.François Lepage - 2016 - Logica Universalis 10 (2-3):327-338.
    In this paper, we introduce a Hilbert style axiomatic calculus for intutionistic logic with strong negation. This calculus is a preservative extension of intuitionistic logic, but it can express that some falsity are constructive. We show that the introduction of strong negation allows us to define a square of opposition based on quantification on possible worlds.
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    Angela N. H. Creager and Jean-Paul Gaudillière: Risk on the table: food production, health, and the environment.Jean Ribert Francois - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (3):1303-1304.
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    L'assassin d'Ulysse.François Leroux - 1992 - Horizons Philosophiques 3 (1):11-29.
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    L’assassin d’Ulysse.François Leroux - 2000 - Horizons Philosophiques 10 (2):65.
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    The Ethics of the Survivor.François-David Sebbah & Mérédith Laferté-Coutu - 2018 - Levinas Studies 12:3-60.
  25.  19
    Labor Conflicts in French Workplaces: Does (the Type of) Family Control Matter?François Belot & Timothée Waxin - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (3):591-617.
    This paper investigates the influence of family control on the quality of labor relations. Using French workplace-level data, we find that family firms experience less frequent and less intense labor conflicts. Moreover, family involvement tends to offset the negative effect of labor disputes on corporate performance. We examine whether specific family patterns are conducive to better labor relations. We distinguish active from passive family control, eponymous from non-eponymous family businesses, and break down family firms into founder-controlled and descendant-controlled companies. It (...)
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    Trance and shamanic cure on the south american continent: Psychopharmacological and neurobiological interpretations.Francois Blanc - 2010 - Anthropology of Consciousness 21 (1):83-105.
    This article examines the neurobiological basis of the healing power attributed to shamanic practices in the Andes and Brazil in light of the pharmacology of neurotransmitters and the new technological explorations of brain functioning. The psychotropic plants used in shamanic psychiatric cures interfere selectively with the intrinsic neuromediators of the brain. Mainly they may alter: (1) the neuroendocrine functioning through the adrenergic system by controlling stressful conditions, (2) the dopaminergic system in incentive learning and emotions incorporation, (3) the serotoninergic system (...)
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    Le thésaurus des images médiévales.François Boespflug - 1996 - Revue de Synthèse 117 (3-4):497-501.
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    13. Quittance de contribution ptolémaique.François Lenormant - 1867 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 25 (1-4):340-341.
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    A Many-Valued Probabilistic Conditional Logic.François Lepage - 2000 - In Niall Shanks & Robert B. Gardner (eds.), Logic, Probability and Science. Atlanta: Rodopi. pp. 36.
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  30. Eléments de logique contemporaine.François Lepage - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 182 (3):354-355.
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  31.  34
    Grammaire, compositionnalité du sens et réalisme.François Lepage - 1982 - Dialogue 21 (2):243-254.
    Dans la partie de la philosophic que l'on appelle habituellement philosophie du langage, la vieille opposition entre le réalisme et le nominalisme est toujours actuelle. D'un côté, les thèses nominalistes trouvent de nouveaux défenseurs qui apportent quelquefois des arguments originaux ou qui reprennent d'anciennes argumentations. D'un autre côté le réalisme est violemment attaqué sur tous ses flancs.
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  32.  33
    Knowledge and Truth.Francois Lepage - 1989 - Dialectica 43 (3):215-229.
    SummaryIn this paper I will strive towards three main objectives. First of all, I will try to show that a very commonplace property of knowledge, that of yielding truth, can be used to characterize an ideal and radical notion of knowledge. It will be argued that this property generates a basic and autonomous concept of knowledge, i.e., a purely logical concept of knowledge that can be clearly separated from the psychological, intentional or epistemological aspects of knowledge. What results can thus (...)
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    La notion de proposition dans les Principles de Russell: un exemple de conception réaliste du langage.François Lepage - 1979 - Dialogue 18 (4):538-555.
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  34.  50
    La question des attitudes propositionnelles et les limites de la sémantique.François Lepage - 1988 - Philosophiques 15 (1):59-74.
    Le but de cette intervention est tout d'abord de caractériser un concept de sémantique d'un point de vue suffisamment général pour que l'on puisse l'interpréter comme celui de sémantique universelle. Dans un deuxième temps, il sera question de la caractérisation des contextes extensionnels et un critère général d'identification de tels contextes sera proposé. La thèse suivante, assez surprenante, sera avancée : selon ce critère, les contextes d'attitudes propositionnelles sont extensionnels. La solution que l'on proposera pour sortir de cette situation apparemment (...)
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  35.  28
    Le savoir comme construction.François Lepage - 1985 - Dialogue 24 (1):101-.
    Le dernier ouvrage d'Yvon Gauthier, son quatrième, n'est certes pas d'une lecture des plus faciles. Le bon lecteur devrait à la fois être familier du formalisme de la mécanique quantique et des labyrinthes lacaniens, connaître la théorie des modéles êt etre revenu de Heidegger.Tout cela rend la tâche d'un critique de Gauthier ardue et périlleuse; aussi je prierai le lecteur de m'excuser à l'avance si, dans le foisonnement philosophique de l'ouvrage, j'ai dû restreindre mon attention à certains aspects particuliers.
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  36. Peter Roeper and Hugues Leblanc, Probability Theory and Probability Semantics Reviewed by.François Lepage - 2000 - Philosophy in Review 20 (5):378-380.
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    Entrevue avec Richard Carpentier.François Leroux - 1996 - Horizons Philosophiques 7 (1):51.
  38.  10
    Liminaire.François Leroux & Marc Chabot - 1996 - Horizons Philosophiques 7 (1):I.
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    Le don des larmes.François Leroux - 1995 - Horizons Philosophiques 6 (1):101.
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  40. Cristocentrismo e vita spirituale alla luce della teologia dei santi.Francois-Marie Lethel - 2002 - Alpha Omega 5 (3):415-442.
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    De multiculturele herverdelingsstaat.François Levrau - 2015 - Res Publica 57 (3):269-293.
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  42. De ondraaglijke lichtheid van het evenement van de liefde: Alain Badiou & Milan Kundera.François Levrau - 2011 - de Uil Van Minerva 24:71-80.
  43.  17
    Over de collectieve en morele dimensies van de individuele vrije meningsuiting. Een Milliaanse benadering.François Levrau - 2023 - de Uil Van Minerva 35 (3).
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  44. The Caste System in Sta Tu Nascendi.François Chenet - 1989 - Diogenes 37 (148):112-140.
    Within the realm of structures of society, the caste system, a unique example among all the aspects of human adventure, represents at the level of social morphology, that is in the manner of grouping characteristic of a society, India's most original contribution to human history within all great civilizations, to the point that India's civilization is generally identified by the principal feature of its morphology.
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  45. The Gospel According to John, Access to God, at the Obscure Origins of Christianity.François Bovon - 1989 - Diogenes 37 (146):37-50.
    For eighteen centuries the Christian church believed that the fourth gospel was drawn up by the son of Zebedee, John, when the latter lived in Ephesus in his old age. As Clement of Alexandria suggests (II-III century) the beloved disciple wanted to emphasize the divine nature of the Son of which the synoptic gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke had marked the historical insertion and the human nature.
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    Politiques de la sémiotique: Flux et reflux de la critique idéologique chez A. J. Greimas.François Provenzano - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (214):111-128.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2017 Heft: 214 Seiten: 111-128.
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    La triplicité des point de vue sur le corps dans la philosophie de Biran.François Azouvi - 2005 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 103 (1):6-15.
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    La responsabilité de l'agent dans la philosophie analytique de l'action: une interprétation.François Blais - 1994 - Dialogue 33 (4):643-.
    Le concept de responsabilité vient généralement et spontanément à l'esprit de la plupart d'entre nous quand il est question d'action humaine. Il est surprenant pour cette raison que dans l'histoire de la philosophie de l'action, particulièrement l'histoire récente, la responsabilité ait été tenue autant à l'écart des discussions. En effet, après avoir joué chez les philosophes de la première génération suivant Wittgenstein, comme Hart, Melden, Chisholm et Rayfield, un rôle important, le concept de responsabilité a été, semble-t-il, progressivement évacué des (...)
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    Loi humaine ou loi divine?François Coppens - 2005 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 103 (4):531-563.
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    Leibniz: A Biography E. J. Aiton Bristol; Boston, MA: Adam Hilger, 1985. xiv, 370 p.François Duchesneau - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (3):560.
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