Results for 'Deanna Reder'

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  1.  46
    A Complex Web of Relations that Extends Beyond the Human.Deanna Reder - 2012 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39 (4):507-517.
    This article considers the question “Is There, Can There Be, such an Activity as World Humanities?” My response takes issue with the phrase “world humanity” that serves to legitimize a homogenizing process of globalization while simultaneously hiding from view the injustices and power imbalances that globalization creates. From my perspective as a Cree-Métis scholar, the world humanities are only valuable if they participate in the recuperation and protection of Indigenous stories—and by extension Indigenous languages and epistemes—that would require a reconsideration (...)
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    How does discourse among like-minded individuals affect their thinking about a complex issue?Deanna Kuhn, Davidella Floyd, Peter Yaksick, Mariel Halpern & Whitney Ricks - 2018 - Thinking and Reasoning 25 (3):365-382.
    Is there reason to be concerned about what has been seen as an increasing trend for discourse on complex issues to be confined to an “echo chamber” of like-minded individuals? To investigat...
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    Children and adults as intuitive scientists.Deanna Kuhn - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (4):674-689.
  4.  9
    Was hält Gesellschaften zusammen? Der gefährdete Umgang mit Pluralität.Michael Reder & Hanna Pfeifer (eds.) - 2013 - Kohlhammer.
    Gesellschaften sind heute von funktionaler Ausdifferenzierung, Individualisierung und Pluralisierung gekennzeichnet. Dies lasst die Frage nach dem gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt virulent werden. Die Politik sucht nach Wegen, mit dieser Vielfalt umzugehen und den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt zu starken. Davon zeugen Debatten uber Bildungspolitik, Sprachkurse und Leitkultur, Runde Tische oder Islamkonferenzen. Die Politische Philosophie hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass der Umgang mit Pluralitat einer differenzierten und multiperspektivischen Diskussion im Lichte der vielfaltigen Parameter von gesellschaftlicher Vielfalt bedarf. Was also halt Gesellschaften (...)
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    Disordered Cognitive Control: A Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective.Deanna M. Barch - 2002 - In Donald T. Stuss & Robert T. Knight (eds.), Principles of Frontal Lobe Function. Oxford University Press. pp. 428.
  6. " ci ci" and" pa pa": Script, mimicry, and mediation in Isabella d'Este's letters.Deanna Shemek - 2003 - Rinascimento 43:75-91.
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  7.  22
    Visible Social Interactions Do Not Support the Development of False Belief Understanding in the Absence of Linguistic Input: Evidence from Deaf Adult Homesigners.Deanna L. Gagne & Marie Coppola - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Coming out and crossing over: Identity formation and proclamation in a transgender community.Deanna Mcgaughey, Richard Tewksbury & Patricia Gagné - 1997 - Gender and Society 11 (4):478-508.
    Drawing on data from interviews with 65 masculine-to-feminine transgenderists, the authors examine the coming-out experiences of transgendered individuals. Drawing on the literature that shows gender to be an inherent component of the social infrastructure that at an individual level is accomplished in interaction with others, they demonstrate that interactional challenges to gender are insufficient to challenge the system of gender. Whereas many transgenderists believe that their actions and identities are radical challenges to the binary system of gender, in fact, the (...)
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  9.  68
    A Role for Reasoning in a Dialogic Approach to Critical Thinking.Deanna Kuhn - 2018 - Topoi 37 (1):121-128.
    We note the development of the widely employed but loosely defined construct of critical thinking from its earliest instantiations as a measure of individual ability to its current status, marked by efforts to better connect the construct to the socially-situated thinking demands of real life. Inquiry and argument are identified as key dimensions in a process-based account of critical thinking. Argument is identified as a social practice, rather than a strictly individual competency. Yet, new empirical evidence is presented documenting a (...)
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  10.  11
    Gefühl der Solidarität statt Rationalität. Rortys sentimentalistische Konzeption der Menschenrechte.Michael Reder - 2023 - In Martin Müller (ed.), Handbuch Richard Rorty. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 901-916.
    Rortys Konzeption der Menschenrechte basiert auf seiner Ablehnung eines universalistischen Rationalitätskonzepts. Vielmehr bildet für ihn das Gefühl aller Menschen, dass Grausamkeiten und Leid überwinden werden sollten, die Basis seiner sentimantalistischen Konzeption von Menschenrechten. Dabei werden jedoch insbesondere institutionelle und interkulturelle Aspekte der Menschenrechte und die unhinterfragten Aporien des Liberalismus zu wenig beachtet.
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  11.  36
    Implicit Memory and Metacognition.Lynne M. Reder - 1996 - Lawrence Erlbaum.
    The editor of this volume takes it to mean that a prior experience affects behavior without the individual's appreciation (ability to report) of this...
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  12. Metacognition does not imply awareness: Strategy choice is governed by implicit learning and memory.L. M. Reder & C. D. Schunn - 1996 - In Lynne M. Reder (ed.), Implicit Memory and Metacognition. Lawrence Erlbaum.
  13.  98
    Just Relations and Company–Community Conflict in Mining.Deanna Kemp, John R. Owen, Nora Gotzmann & Carol J. Bond - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (1):93-109.
    This research engages with the problem of company–community conflict in mining. The inequitable distributions of risks, impacts, and benefits are key drivers of resource conflicts and are likely to remain at the forefront of mining-related research and advocacy. Procedural and interactional forms of justice therefore lie at the very heart of some of the real and ongoing challenges in mining, including: intractable local-level conflict; emerging global norms and performance standards; and ever-increasing expectations for the industry to translate high-level corporate social (...)
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  14. Science as argument: Implications for teaching and learning scientific thinking.Deanna Kuhn - 1993 - Science Education 77 (3):319-337.
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  15. Cognition in schizophrenia: core psychological and neural mechanisms.Deanna M. Barch & Alan Ceaser - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (1):27-34.
  16.  72
    : Developing reason.Deanna Kuhn, Jared B. Katz & David Dean Jr - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (2):197 – 219.
    We argue in favour of the general proposition that the nature of reasoning is best understood within a context of its origins and development. A major dimension of what develops in the years from childhood to adulthood, we propose, is increasing meta-level monitoring and management of cognition. Two domains are examined in presenting support for these claims—multivariable causal reasoning and argumentive reasoning.
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    Designing Women: Cultural Hegemony and the Exercise of Power among Women Who Have Undergone Elective Mammoplasty.Deanna Mcgaughey & Patricia Gagné - 2002 - Gender and Society 16 (6):814-838.
    This article draws on Foucault's concept of the exercise of power and Gramsci's concept of hegemony to examine how women used cosmetic surgery to exercise power over their bodies and lives. The analysis is rooted in two feminist perspectives on cosmetic surgery. The first argues that women who elect to have their bodies surgically altered are victims of false consciousness whose bodies are disciplined by the hegemonic male gaze. The second asserts that women who undergo elective cosmetic surgery exercise free (...)
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  18.  20
    The Broad Reach of Multivariable Thinking.Deanna Kuhn & Anahid Modrek - 2023 - Informal Logic 43 (1):1-22.
    Simple explanations are very often inadequate and can encourage faulty inferences. We examined college students’ explanations regarding illegal immigration to determine the prevalence of single-factor explanations. The form of students’ explanations was predicted by their responses on a simple three-item forced-choice multivariable causal reasoning task in which they selected the strongest evidence against a causal claim. In a further qualitative investigation of explanations by a sample of community adults, we identified positive features among those who scored high on this multivariable (...)
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    Memory systems do not divide on consciousness: Reinterpreting memory in terms of activation and binding.L. M. Reder, H. Park & P. D. Kieffaber - 2009 - Psychological Bulletin 135 (1).
    There is a popular hypothesis that performance on implicit and explicit memory tasks reflects 2 distinct memory systems. Explicit memory is said to store those experiences that can be consciously recollected, and implicit memory is said to store experiences and affect subsequent behavior but to be unavailable to conscious awareness. Although this division based on awareness is a useful taxonomy for memory tasks, the authors review the evidence that the unconscious character of implicit memory does not necessitate that it be (...)
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  20.  70
    Do reasoning limitations undermine discourse?Deanna Kuhn & Anahid Modrek - 2018 - Thinking and Reasoning 24 (1):97-116.
    Why does discourse so often seem shallow, with people arguing past one another more than with one another? Might contributing causes be individual and logical rather than only dialogical? We consider here whether there exist errors in reasoning that could be particularly damaging in their effects on argumentive discourse. In particular, we examine implications for discourse of two such errors – explanation as a replacement for evidence and neglecting the likelihood of multiple causes contributing to an outcome. In Studies 1 (...)
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    Where the rubber meets the road: The importance of implementation.Deanna M. Barch & Todd S. Braver - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (1):83-84.
    Phillips & Silverstein argue that a range of cognitive disturbances in schizophrenia result from a deficit in cognitive coordination attributable to NMDA receptor dysfunction. We suggest that the viability of this hypothesis would be further supported by explicit implementation in a computational framework that can produce quantitative estimates of the behavior of both healthy individuals and individuals with schizophrenia.
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    Policy and Perspectives.Deanna L. Fassett, Daniel Liston, Richard A. Quantz & Francis Schrag - 1997 - Educational Studies 28 (3-4):284-300.
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  23.  45
    1990 Business Ethics Awards.Deanna Nord - 1990 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 4 (6):18-22.
  24.  8
    12. Anhang: John Rawls’ „Erwiderung auf Habermas“.Michael Reder - 2019 - In Henning Hahn & Reza Mosayebi (eds.), John Rawls: Das Recht der Völker. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 197-212.
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  25. The integrative model of personal epistemology development: theoretical underpinnings and implications for education.Deanna C. Rule & Lisa D. Bendixen - 2010 - In Lisa D. Bendixen & Florian C. Feucht (eds.), Personal epistemology in the classroom: theory, research, and implications for practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  26. Crossing the Divide: Luther, Feminism, and the Cross.Deanna A. Thompson - 2004
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  27. (1 other version)Yearbook Practical Philosophy in a Global Perspective.Michael Reder, Alexander Filipovic, Dominik Finkelde & Johannes Wallacher (eds.) - 2018 - Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Judith Butler and future generations: Transtemporal relationality, generational trouble and future-oriented ruthless critique.Michael Reder & Simon Faets - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    Radical theories of democracy deal only marginally with climate impacts. Judith Butler is part of this tradition and has worked on ecological issues in recent years. She might help contribute to beginning to close this gap. In this article, some of her theoretical elements will be explored in order to critically discuss whether and how climate impacts can be understood philosophically within the framework of radical democracy. These reflections include Butler’s interpretation of relationality, vulnerability, critique and resistance. By combining these (...)
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    Enriching Thinking Through Discourse.Deanna Kuhn, Sybille Bruun & Caroline Geithner - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (3):e13420.
    Great effort is invested in identifying ways to change people's minds on an issue. A first priority should perhaps be enriching their thinking about the issue. With a goal of enriching their thinking, we studied the views of community adults on the DACA issue—young adults who entered the United States illegally as children. A dialogic method was employed, offering dual benefits in providing participants the opportunity to further develop their own ideas and to consider differing ideas. Yet, participants engaged in (...)
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  30. Ein Bewusstsein von dem, was fehlt: eine Diskussion mit Jürgen Habermas.Michael Reder & Josef Schmidt (eds.) - 2008 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  31.  61
    The fan effect: New results and new theories.John R. Anderson & Lynne M. Reder - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 128 (2):186.
  32.  68
    Coordinating own and other perspectives in argument.Deanna Kuhn & Wadiya Udell - 2007 - Thinking and Reasoning 13 (2):90 – 104.
    What does it take to argue well? The goal of this series of studies was to better understand the cognitive skills entailed in argument, and their course of development, isolated from the verbal and social demands that argumentive discourse also entails. Findings indicated that young adolescents are less able than adults to coordinate attention to both positions in an argument, an age-related pattern that parallels one found in discourse. Contributing to this weakness was inattention to the opposing position (in both (...)
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  33.  13
    Marx revisited. Vulnerabilität, Kapitalismuskritik und die Politik des Anthropozäns.Michael Reder - 2024 - In Olivia Mitscherlich-Schönherr, Mara-Daria Cojocaru & Michael Reder (eds.), Kann das Anthropozän gelingen?: Krisen und Transformationen der menschlichen Naturverhältnisse im interdisziplinären Dialog. De Gruyter. pp. 161-178.
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  34.  20
    Corona und das vernachlässigte kritische Potenzial politischer Solidarität.Michael Reder, Daniel Kersting & Franziska Dübgen - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (1):157-171.
    COVID-19 and its social and political consequences have led to increased attention to the sometimes philosophically neglected concept of solidarity. This paper reflects the discourse on solidarity in times of COVID-19 from the viewpoint of the philosophical debate on solidarity. We argue that currently – regarding this debate – the critical potential of solidarity as a political concept is often undermined. Solidarity should rather be used as a social-diagnostic lens to focus on and criticise problematic exclusions caused by current political (...)
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  35. Reasoning about multiple variables: Control of variables is not the only challenge.Deanna Kuhn - 2007 - Science Education 91 (5):710-726.
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    Religion in säkularer Gesellschaft: über die neue Aufmerksamkeit für Religion in der politischen Philosophie.Michael Reder - 2013 - Freiburg im Breisgau: Alber.
  37. Ein Bewusstsein von dem, was fehlt:» Nachmetaphysische «Vernunft gegenüber dem christlichen Glauben.Michael Reder & Josef Schmidt - 2009 - Philosophische Rundschau 56 (1):48 - 53.
  38.  9
    Globalisierung und Philosophie: eine Einführung.Michael Reder - 2009 - Darmstadt: WBG (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft).
  39.  11
    Jürgen Habermas.Michael Reder - 2023 - In Johannes Frühbauer, Michael Reder, Michael Roseneck & Thomas M. Schmidt (eds.), Rawls-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. J.B. Metzler. pp. 473-479.
    John Rawls und Jürgen Habermas haben beide wie kaum andere Philosoph*innen die praktische Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts geprägt. Beide zielen auf die theoretische Klärung der ethischen wie politisch-philosophischen Grundlagen des Zusammenlebens in ausdifferenzierten Gesellschaften. Rawls schlägt hierzu einen Weg in der vertragstheoretischen Tradition liberaler Provenienz ein.
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    Radikale Demokratie.Michael Reder - 2023 - In Johannes Frühbauer, Michael Reder, Michael Roseneck & Thomas M. Schmidt (eds.), Rawls-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. J.B. Metzler. pp. 655-660.
    Die radikale Demokratietheorie ist in den vergangenen 20 Jahren zu einem immer wichtigeren Paradigma innerhalb der politischen Philosophie und Theorie geworden. Viele traditionelle Ansätze der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts dienen als Bezugspunkt für diese Arbeiten. Radikale Demokrat*innen wollen entlang philosophischer Grundbegriffe dieser Traditionen (Individuum, Rationalität usw.) das Soziale, Normative und Politische philosophisch neu denken.
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  41.  48
    Demokratie als experimentelle Praxis und radikale Gesellschaftskritik. Vergleich pragmatistischer und radikal-demokratischer Impulse für die Demokratietheorie.Michael Reder - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 72 (2):184-204.
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  42.  24
    Plausibility judgments versus fact retrieval: Alternative strategies for sentence verification.Lynne M. Reder - 1982 - Psychological Review 89 (3):250-280.
  43.  25
    How to Protect Children? A Pragmatic Approach: On State Intervention and Children’s Welfare.Rebecca Gutwald & Michael Reder - 2023 - The Journal of Ethics 27 (1):77-95.
    If a child’s well-being is at risk of considerable harm within their own family, state institutions usually intervene. In severe cases, the parents’ right to rear is suspended. Cases of risk assessment and potential state intervention are decided within a conflict between parents’ rights and claims of children for protection. There is, we argue, a standard model of normative assessment underlying these decisions: It rests on premises rooted in classic liberal political philosophy, which is prevalent in many Western societies, such (...)
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  44.  63
    Über Vulnerabilität und Solidarität.Michael Reder - 2023 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 15 (2).
    Vulnerabilität und Solidarität sind in den vergangenen Jahren zu zwei Kernbegriffen der praktischen Philosophie geworden. Sie markieren nicht nur einen neuen thematischen Fokus, sondern auch eine Verschiebung theoretischer Grundannahmen, beispielsweise hinsichtlich des Verständnisses von Normativität oder dem Politischen. Innerhalb des Pragmatismus spielen beide Begriffe, bis auf Rortys Rekurs auf Solidarität, keine zentrale Rolle, obgleich die Grundintuitionen, die beiden Begriffen zugrunde liegen, eng mit dieser Strömung verbunden sind. Der Beitrag will vor dem Hintergrund dieser pragmatistischen Grundannahmen zentrale Argumentationsfiguren der Debatte über (...)
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    School of the Americas - Ausbildungsstätte für Menschenrechtsverletzungen.Deanna Aguirre - 2005 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2006 (jg):159-165.
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    What people may do versus can do.Deanna Kuhn - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (2):83-83.
    It warrants examining how well people can come to argue under supportive conditions, not only what they do under ordinary conditions. Sustained engagement of young people in dialogic argumentation yields more than the temporary that Mercier & Sperber (M&S) identify in the target article. If such engagement were to become the norm, who can say what the argumentive potential of future generations is?
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  47. The unconscious feeling of knowing: A commentary on koriat's paper.Michaela K. Spehn & Lynne M. Reder - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):187-192.
    In Koriat's paper ''The Feeling of Knowing: Some Metatheoretical Implications for Consciousness and Control,'' he asserts that the feeling of knowing straddles the implicit and explicit, and that these conscious feelings enter into a conscious control process that is necessary for controlled behavior. This assertion allows him to make many speculations on the nature of consciousness itself. We agree that feelings of knowing are produced through a monitoring of one's knowledge, and that this monitoring can affect the control of behavior (...)
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  48.  37
    Stroke patients with aphasia show impeded motor recovery: A story of mirror neurons in BA44.Anderlini Deanna, Wallis Guy & Carroll Timothy - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  49.  9
    Welfare restrictions and ‘benefit tourists’: Representations and evaluations of EU migrants in the UK.Deanna Demetriou - 2018 - Communications 43 (3):379-401.
    This article investigates online representations and evaluations of EU migrants, focusing on the notion of ‘benefit tourism’ and discursive strategies used in the (de)legitimization of new welfare restrictions in the UK. Through the examination of online newspapers and corresponding public comment threads, this article adopts theoretical and methodological premises from Critical Discourse Studies (CDS), drawing upon the Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA) to provide both a politically motivated as well as reflexive account. Although new participatory structures allow for resistance to emerge, the (...)
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  50.  15
    Confidentiality and the Rape Victim: Ethical Intent versus Political Reality.Deanna Nass - 1991 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 2 (1):66-71.
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